Positive Affirmations

Positive Affirmations:

Learn to think in positive affirmations. Affirmations can be any statements you make.
Negative affirmations only create more of what you say you don’t want. Saying, “I hate
my job,” will get you nowhere. Declaring, “I now accept a wonderful new job,” will open
the channels in your consciousness to create that.

Continually make positive statements about how you want your life to be. However, there
is one point that is very important in this: Always make your statements in the PRESENT
TENSE, “I want,” or “I will have,” then that where that idea will always stay – just out of
your reach in the future!

Let’s turn the negative affirmations into positive affirmations.

I am prosperous.
I am eternally young.
I now move to a better place.
I have a wonderful new relationship.
I am my own person.
I love my hair/nose/body.
I am filled with love and affection.
I am joyous and happy and free.
I am totally healthy.


In the infinity of life where I am,
All is perfect, whole and complete,
I no longer choose to believe in old limitations and lack,
I now choose to begin to see myself
As the Universe sees me --- perfect, whole, and complete.
The truth of my Being is that I was created
Perfect, whole, and complete.
I will always be perfect, whole, and complete.
I now choose to live my life from this understanding.
I am in the right place at the right time, doing the right thing.
All is well in my world

In the infinity of life where I am,
All is perfect, whole, and complete.
I live in harmony and balance with everyone I know.
Deep at the center of my being, there is an infinite well of love.
I now allow this love to flow to the surface.
It fills my heart, my body, my mind, my consciousness,
My very being, and radiates out from me in all directions
And returns to me multiplied.
The more love I use and give, the more I have to give.
The supply is endless.
The use of love makes me feel good;
It is an expression of my inner joy. I love myself;
Therefore, I take loving care of my body.
I lovingly feed it nourishing foods and beverages,
I lovingly groom it and dress it, and my body lovingly
Responds to me with vibrant health and energy.
I love myself; therefore, I provide for myself a comfortable home,
One that fills all my needs and is a pleasure to be in.
I fill it with Love
So that all who enter, myself included, will feel this love
And be nourished by it.
I love myself; therefore, I work at a job I truly enjoy doing,
One that uses my creative talents and abilities,
Working with and for people I love and who love me,
And earning a good income.
I love myself; therefore, I behave and think in a loving way
To all people for I know that which I give out
Returns to me multiplied.
I only attract loving people in my world,
For they are a mirror of what I am.
I love myself; therefore, I forgive and totally release the past
And all past experiences, and I am free.
I love myself; therefore, I live totally in the now,
Experiencing each moment as good and knowing that my future
Is bright and joyous and secure,
For I am a beloved child of the Universe,
And the universe lovingly takes care of me
now and forever more. All is well in my world.

Affirmation for Work:

“I am totally open and receptive to a wonderful new position, one that uses all my talents
and abilities, and allows me to express creatively in ways that are fulfilling to me. I work
with and for people whom I love, and who love and respect me, in a wonderful location
and earning good money.”

“Success” affirmations:

Divine Intelligence gives me all the ideas I can use.
Everything I touch is a success.
There is plenty for everyone, including me.
There are plenty of customers for my services.
I establish a new awareness of success.
I move into the Winning Circle.
I am blessed beyond my fondest dreams.
Riches of every sort are drawn to me.
Golden Opportunities are everywhere for me.

Pick one of the above affirmations and repeat it for several days. Then pick another and
do the same. Allow these ideas to fill your consciousness. Don’t worry about “how” to
accomplish this; the opportunities will come your way. Trust the intelligence within you
to lead you and guide you. You deserve to be a success in every area of your life.

“Health” affirmations:

In the infinity of life where I am,
All is perfect, whole, and complete.
I recognize my body as a good friend.
‘Each cell in my body has ‘Divine Intelligence.
I listen to what it tells me, and know that its advice is valid.
I am always safe, and Divinely protected and guided.
I choose to be healthy and free.
All is well in my world.

Source: “You can Heal your Life” - Louise L. Hay .pdf

Available in http://ge.tt/3QCUEEP/v/0

Affirmations for the Soul:

I am a Soul full of Peace.
I am a Soul full of Happiness.
I am a Soul full of Love
I am a Soul full of Purity.
I am a Soul full of Power.
I am a Soul full of Knowledge.
I am a Soul full of Bliss.
I am a Soul full of Success.

Duration: 1 Minute in Every Hour
Repeat: Minimum 2 Times. (Fill all virtues in Your Mind)
Benefit: See Difference in your Routine life, before and now.
Advice: If possible convert it in your mother tongue and use it for the best result.

You can add virtues by your own way and make Affirmations by yourself.

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Affirmations for the Peace:

1.      I am Peaceful and spreading a lot of Peace.
2.      I am surrounded by Peace.
3.      I easily attract Peaceful People and experiences into my Life.
4.      I choose to become Peaceful and ask a life filled and overflowing with Peace.
5.      I am grateful for the Peace that surrounds me every day and every time.
6.      My circle of Peaceful Friends continues to expand.
7.      Peace is what I am.
8.      I am magnet for more and more Peace.
9.      I joyfully express Peace every day and every time.
10.  I love myself exactly the way I am – the full of Peace.
11.  I circulate Peace to everyone and everywhere.
12.  The more Peace I give, the more Peace I receive in return.
13.   I am a Soul full of Peace and I fully feel the Peace in and out.
14.  The Peace is all around.
15.  Today I release the past and allow the healing power of Peace into my Life.
16.  I am in Peace with my Life.
17.  Peace is my power and Peace is my way of life.
18.  I am in the process of reaching a highest level of Peace.

Repeat: Minimum 2 Times in a day. (Fill the affirmations in Your Mind)
Benefit: See Difference in your Routine life, before and now.
Advice: If possible convert it in your mother tongue and use it for the best result.

You can add virtues - Love, Power, Knowledge, Bliss, Success, Happiness, Purity etc. in exchange of “Peace” by your own way and make Affirmations by yourself.

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By: https://www.facebook.com/MotivationalQuotesArticles

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