Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Audit Material

Audit Material

Q.1 Management Audit
1.       Management Audit is an Independent Appraisal Activity.
2.       Purpose: To find Out efficiency of Internal Control System.
3.       Scope: Very wide than any other Audit.
4.       Periodicity:  Once in 2-3 Years.
5.       Management Auditor has to report to Top Management.
6.       Report Submitted to M.D/Executive Director.
7.       Management Audit covers that all activities for which Top Management is Responsible.
Who will Conduct Management Audit?
1.       Company Talent – include
-          Administrative Staff
-          Audit Committee

2.       Out side Management Consultant
-          CA
-          CWA

Q.2 CARO-2003
1.   CARO is A Modified version of MAOCARO.
2.   CARO=Companies Auditor’s Report Order, 2003
3.       CARO,2003 is issued by Central  Government.
4.       Required to follow each and every Company but Exemption is there.
5.       Following Indian Company are Exempted from the Provision Of CARO:
-          Banking Company
-          Insurance Company
-          Private Ltd Company  which are Exempted
Less Then
50 Lakh
500 Lakh
Paid Up Capital + Reserves
Annual Turnover
-          Company licensed to operate as per the provisions of Sec.25 of Companies Act.
6.       As per CARO,2003 Auditor has to give Expert Opinion On Following issues on Auditors’ Report:
-          Fixed Assets
-          Inventory
-          Loans
-          Public Deposits
-          Sickness
-          Fraud
-          Maintainance Of Cost Records
-          Internal Audit System
-          Financial Management etc.
7.       To give Expert Comment is mandatory for the Auditor

Q.3 Branch Audit
1.       Normally Company Auditor shall be appointed as a Branch Auditor.
2.       Normally: Branch Auditor=Branch Auditor
3.       Duty:
-          To Prepare Branch Audit Report
-          Forward Report to Company Auditor
-          If Company Auditor = Branch Auditor, No Need to prepare Branch Auditor.
4.       Right:
-          Right to access Books, Accounts, Vouchers.
-          Right to Obtain Information and Expenses.
-          Right to Visit Branch.
5.       Do not have a Right:
-          To receive Notice of General Meeting.
-          To Attend and participate such General Meeting.
6.       Remuneration:
-          Remuneration received from General Meeting/BOD (as decided in General Meeting).

Q.4 Audit Committee
1.       Sec.292 (A) Company Act.1956 Apply.
2.       Mandatory for:
-          Public Company
-          Having Paid Up Capital
3.       Minimum:
-          Out Of Members minimum 3 must be Director.
-          Out of Directors minimum 2/3 must be M.D/W.T.D
4.       Duty:
-          Interact with Auditors about
A.      Internal Control
B.      Financial Statement
5.       Act as Suggested by B.O.D
1.       Review of Financial Statement before submission to Board of Directors
2.       Selection of Statutory Auditors to be recommended for Appointment
3.       To act as Liaison between Statutory Auditor and Board Of Directors
4.       Administrative Control of internal control function.
5.       To select and Establish Accounting Policies.
6.       Review financial Statements and seek clarification from the statutory Auditors.
7.       Maintain Internal Audit Operation.
8.       Review Expense Accounts of Senior Officers.
1.       Ensures reliability and credibility of the functionality of the Management.
2.       Helps Board of Directors in discharging their functions properly.
3.       Act as a communication link between Internal Auditor, Statutory Auditor, Board of Directors.
4.       Act as Evidence in litigation cases in which Board of Directors and other officials of the organization might be involved.
5.       Presentation and Publication of statements relating to Financial Position and Business Operation.

Q.5 Cost Auditor
1.       Central Government directs to appoint Cost Auditor.
2.       Get Auditor’s Confirmation.
3.       Pass resolution and appoint Cost Auditor.
4.       File Form 23C.
5.       Get Approval of Central Government about Auditor.
6.       Inform Cost Auditor.
7.       Accounting Records handed over within 90 days of relevant Accounting Year to Cost Auditor.
8.       Take Care, Appointment in accordance with Sec 224 (1) (B).
9.       Follow Sec.297, 314 etc.

Q.6 Accounting Standard
1.       Sec.211, 217,227 Company Act, 1956 Apply.
2.       Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet are prepared as per Accounting Standard.
3.       Accounting Standard is prescribed by Institute of Chartered Accountant of India with consultancy of National Advisory Committee on Accounting Standard.
4.       Every Company shall follow Accounting Standard.
5.       If not follow :Disclosure require

Q.7 Pre Audit
1.       When Payment are made by business and non business entities, Proper scrutiny is necessary before making such Payment.
2.       This is Known as Pre Audit.
3.       Example: Payment like Salary, Travelling Expenses, Medical Expenses etc.
4.       These payments are disbursed after making proper scrutiny of the employees of the concern who are normally Internal Auditor.
5.       Pre Audit may not be possible when heavy payments are done within short period of time.

Q.8 Report-Certificate-Difference
1.    Opinion:
-          Report is a document through which an Auditor expresses his opinion on Financial Statement.
-          Certificate does not contain any Opinion.
2.    Guarantee:
-          Report may not guarantee correctness of Financial Statement.
-          Certificate should guarantee correctness of Financial Information and Other Matters.
3.    Made:
-          Report is made out of the information available to Auditor.
-          Certificate is issued on those fact and data which are capable of absolute Certification.

Q.9 Independence of the Auditor , Right of the Auditor  and  Disqualification of the Auditor
1.       Judgments of the Auditor are not dependent on the self Interest or wishes of the person appointing him.
2.       It is very difficult to define Independence Precisely.
3.       Certain Laws and Rules of Professional Conduct have been framed to guide the Auditor in maintaining the Independence.
4.       An Auditor is not only requiring being independent but also appearing to be independent while conducting the Audit of an Enterprise.
5.       A. Professional Integrity       and        B. Independence
are essential characteristics of all the learned Professions.
6.       Rights of an Auditor:
1.       Right to access Books, Accounts and Vouchers.
2.       Right to obtain Information and Explanation.
3.       Right to receive Notice of General Meeting. 
4.       Right to make representation in writing and/or to be heard in General Meeting in connection with his removal.
5.       Right to Reappointment of an Auditor generally by Shareholders and in certain case by passing of Special Resolution.
6.       Disqualification:
-          Disqualification to act as an Auditor in case of
1.       He is a Partner or an Employee of any Officer or Employee of the company.
-          Disqualification to act as an Auditor in case
1.       He owns a sum of more then Rs. 1000 OR
2.       He has given any guarantee on behalf of any other person of the company.
-          Disqualification to act as an Auditor  in case
1.       He is a Partner   OR
2.       He is an employee of the Company         OR
3.       He is an Employee of any Officer.

Q.10 Observations: Situations where External Auditor can employ techniques of Observations.
1.       Physical Verification of Fixed Assets conducted by Management.
2.       Physical Verification of Inventories.
3.       Observation procedural aspects of payment of wages actually followed to determine compliance with laid down procedure.

Q.11 Audit Risk: Types
1.       There is inverse relationship between Audit Risk and Materiality. (AAS: 13)
2.       Audit Risk Increases Materiality decrease.
3.       Audit Risk decreases Materiality increases.
4.       Types:
-          Internal Risk
-          Control Risk
-          Detection Risk
5.       Auditor should consider Materiality and its relationship with Audit Risk while conducting an Audit of the Organization.

Q.12 Audit Techniques
1.       It is a tool used by the Auditor.
2.       Purpose: To get reliable Audit Evidence
3.       10 Techniques Of an Audit
1.       Physical Examination
2.       Confirmation
3.       Compare-Documents with records
4.       Co-relate with related information
5.       Computation
6.       Re-tracking Book Keeping
7.       Scanning
8.       Inquiry
9.       Examine Sub-records
10.   Observation of pertinent Activity

Q.13 Audit Evidence
1.       Audit Evidence influence the judgment of an Auditor.
2.       Evidence need not to be documentary
3.       Types:

A.      Analytical Evidence
B.      Corroborative Evidence

A.      Analytical Evidence:
1.       Subsidiary Book
2.       Allocation Sheet
3.       Reconciliation Statement
4.       Journal
5.       Any other Records Which supports the data appearing in the books of accounts

B.      Corroborative Evidence:
1.       Includes:
1.       Invoices
2.       Confirmations
3.       Cancelled Cheques
2.       Reliability:
-          Reliability of an Audit Evidence depends on its
A.      Sources-Internal or External
B.      Nature, Visual, Documentary or Oral
C.      On the circumstances under which it is obtained
3.       Meaning:
-          Corroborative Evidence means additional Evidence to supports the original Evidence
4.       Suspicion:
-          Theoretically there is no best evidence and the Auditor normally relies on prima facie evidence which is considered adequate in the absence of suspicion.
5.       However, if suspicion arises, Auditor should look for more compelling Evidence to support the Prima facie Evidence.

 Q.14 Auditing in Depth
1.       Def: Auditing in Depth means tracing of a Transaction through its various stages from Origin to Conclusion.
2.       In view of large number of transactions of an Organisation, it has become particularly difficult for an auditor to undertake a detailed vouching and post Audit of the large volume.
3.       He can conduct a more effective Audit if he concentrates on intelligently selected areas.
4.       In Such a Situation, Auditing in depth comes in handy.
5.       In Auditing in Depth,
A.      Auditor examine supporting records at each Stage
B.      Ascertain whether all the requirement laid down in the system of internal check have been complied with.
6.       Example: Purchase of an Item from indent stage to receipt/issue of material verifying all related Activities.

Q.15 Summary report to Top Management
1.       When: Submit when internal Audit Complete.
2.       Who: Submit to Top Management by Internal Auditor
3.       Content of Summary Report:
A.      Major Irregularities
B.      Supervisory Lapses
C.      Irregularities for which immediate action is required
4.       Functions of Summary Report:

A.      Immediate Actions
B.      Necessary Directions

A.      Immediate Actions:
-          A conclusion from summary report requiring immediate Actions is Important Function.
B.      Necessary Directions:
-          Planning and actual Completion of internal Audit can be accessed by summary Report.
-           Necessary Directions may be given for proceeding further.
5.       Immediate Measure:
-          On receipt of such Summary Report ,Management will take immediate Measures
A.      To Prevent such Irregularities
B.      To Prevent Supervisory Lapses.

Q.16 Audit Working Paper
1.       It is a Property of the Auditor.
2.       Audit Working Paper is a Link between Audit Report and Client Records.
3.       Object: To record and demonstrate Audit Work from One Year to Another
4.       Record:
A.      Audit Plan
B.      Audit Procedure
C.      Conclusions from Audit Evidence
5.       Prepared by tracing:
A.      MOA,AOA,Partenership Deed
B.      Minute Book
C.      Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss A/c
6.       Form and content vary from one Audit to Another
7.       Classification:
A.      Permanent Audit File
B.      Current Audit File
8.       Extent of documentation is a matter of Professional Judgment.

Q.17 Audit Note-Book
1.       It is a bound book.
2.       Large variety of matters observed during course of Audit is recorded.
3.       Audit Note-book is a Part of Audit Working Papers.
4.       Each Year prepared separately.
5.       Audit Notebook includes:
A.      Audit queries uncleared
B.      Missing receipt and vouchers
C.      Important matters for future reference
6.       Audit Note-Book will defend Auditor in the event of action for Negligence.

Q.18 Special Audit
1.       Sec.233A Apply
2.       Central Government has power to order special Audit of Accounts of Company for specified Period.
3.       Special Audit ordered if Central Government is of the opinion that :
A.      Principals and Practices:
-          Affairs of the company not being managed on sound business principals and prudent commercial practices.
B.      Interest of B.I.T
-          Company managed in manner which is likely to cause serious or damages to the interest of Businee,Industry or Trade to which it pertains
C.      Financial Position of the company is such as might endanger its solvency.
4.       Special Auditor must report to C.G.
5.       Remuneration paid by Company
6.       Remuneration decided by Central Government

Q.19 Reappointment of retiring Auditor
1.       Sec.224 (2) Company Act, 1956 Apply
2.       At any AGM Retiring Auditors shall be reappointed
3.       Not Reappointed If:
A.      Unwillingness
B.      Not qualified for reappointment
C.      Resolution passed at meeting for appointing somebody else instead of him OR
Providing expressly that he shall not be reappointed.
4.       Even  for reappointment of retiring auditor ,passing of resolution is essential
5.       In absence of resolution, retiring Auditor not deemed to be reappointed automatically.

Q.20 First Auditor of the Company
1.       Sec 224 (5) Company Act, 1956 Apply
2.       First Auditors appointed by BOD within 1 month of registration of the company
3.       Hold office till conclusion of First AGM
4.       Company at GM may remove such Auditor and appoint another in their place
5.       Such other can be persons nominated by members of the company of which notice of  > 14 days given to company by member.
6.       If BOD fails to appoint 1st  Auditor then company in general meeting may appoint First Auditor
7.       If First Auditor named in AOA then they will not be treated 1st Auditor because Ac does not recognize this method
8.       First Auditor can be appointed only by BOD resolution or GM Resolution.

 Q.21 Appointment by Central Government
1.       Sec 224 (3) Company Act, 1956 apply
2.       Central Government can appoint auditor if Auditor
A.      Require to be appointed by special Resolution but not so appointed
B.      Require to be appointed at AGM but not so appointed
C.      Auditor not appointed as per Sec. 225,190,188 Company Act, 1956
D.      Appointment of a person as an auditor at AGM is void-ab- initio
3.       Central Government will appoint auditor out of panel of name suggested by applicant Company.

Q.22 Appointment by Share holders
1.            Power to appoint auditor is generally of the share holders.
2.            Except: If it is
a.       First Auditors
b.      Filling of casual Vacancy caused otherwise than by Resignation
c.       C.G. empowered to appoint Auditor
4.       Sec:224(1)
a.       At Every AGM, Every Company Shall appoint auditor
b.      Hold Office until conclusion of Next AGM.
c.       Company shall intimate to auditor of appointment within 7 days.
5.       Sec                 :224(1)(A)
a.       Auditor also required to intimate to ROC in writing within 30 Days of the intimation received by him from the company about acceptance or non acceptance of his Appointment.
6.       Tenure of Appointment:
a.       Hold Office till conclusion of Next AGM.
b.      If AGM not Held within prescribed time, Auditor continuous in the office till AGM actually held and concluded.
c.       If AGM is adjourned, Auditor continuous in Office till conclusion of Adjourned Meeting.

Q.23 Remuneration of an Auditor
1.            Sec.224 (3) Company Act, 1956 Apply
2.            Fixed By Appointment authority i.e. BOD; GENERAL MEETING; CENTRAL GOVERNMENT
3.            Remuneration: Paid by the Company in respect of Auditor’s Expenses
4.            Disclosure:
-Follow Schedule VI, Part II
-Separate disclosure is required to be made in P & L A/c of all Amounts
5.            Reappointment of Retiring Auditor:
In absence of anything contrary, Amount fixed for previous period deemed to be considered for current year also as Remuneration 

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